Cub Scouts

Who Leads My Cub Scout?

There are a bunch of folks who volunteer to lead in Cub Scouts. Two of the basic leaders you’ll interact with on a regular basis are the Cubmaster and Den Leader.

Cubmaster Badge


The Cubmaster is the public facing side of a small committee that helps run the Pack. They help organize Pack events and act as Master of Ceremonies at regular Pack meetings.

Den Leader Badge

Den Leader

The Den Leader is the person who runs your Den activities are most directly involved with your kids. The Den Leader plans meetings and outings to accomplish rank activities, communicates with Den families, and tracks advancement for each boy.

Cubmasters and Den Leaders wear a blue position patch on their left sleeve, below the Pack number. Depending on the size of the Pack, each may have one or more assistants.

Next stop: Cub Scout Uniforms

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